
歡迎您使用「3drens TMS」軟體系統,請詳閱本使用者授權合約(以下簡稱「本合約」),本合約規範有關您(包含您與您的員工或相關人員包括但不限於司機員、物流人員等,以下合稱「」、「使用者」或「訂閱方」)使用三維人股份有限公司(以下簡稱「3drens」)提供之「3drens TMS」軟體系統所搭載之客戶管理、司機管理、車輛管理、倉儲、即時監控、APP等軟體功能及其他雲端相關服務等事宜包含(以下合稱「本TMS系統」):


Welcome to the "3drens TMS" software system. Please read this User License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") carefully. This Agreement governs your (including your employees or related personnel, , such as drivers and logistics personnel, hereinafter collectively referred to as "you," "user," or "subscriber") use of the "3drens TMS" software system provided by 3drens Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "3drens"), including customer management, driver management, vehicle management, warehousing, real-time monitoring, APP, and other cloud-related services (hereinafter referred to as "this TMS System").

/* 第1條 */ 授權 Authorization

The detailed authorization plan for this TMS System is as specified in the quotation.

/* 第2條 */ 授權期間 Authorization Period

The authorization period you subscribe to is as specified in the quotation.

If you are a renewing customer, the start date of the authorization period for the item will be the day after the end of the previous authorization period.

/* 第3條 */ 授權費與付款方式  Authorization Fee and Payment Method

The authorization fee for this TMS System (including tax) (hereinafter referred to as "Authorization Fee") is as specified in the quotation. Unless otherwise agreed, each period's Authorization Fee shall be paid in full in accordance with the conditions, terms, and methods described in this article.

Payment and access activation methods: as specified in the quotation.

If the subscriber fails to make payment as agreed, 3drens may suspend the subscriber's usage rights, terminate this Agreement, and request the Authorization Fee based on the days used, with a late penalty calculated at an annual rate of 16%.

/* 第4條 */ 安裝  Installation

Cooperation Obligations: 3drens will provide installation and environmental assessment recommendations at the time of quotation. You should prepare the installation environment according to the assessment recommendations before the date specified in the quotation or the activation date of this TMS System (hereinafter referred to as "Installation Date"), including but not limited to equipment, system, software specifications, or versions that meet the assessment recommendations, so that 3drens can carry out the installation preparation work. If you fail to prepare the installation environment by the deadline, 3drens may refuse to install until you have prepared the installation environment. The contract and authorization period will still start as scheduled, and 3drens will not bear any responsibility for delays or breaches.

Acceptance: 3drens will complete the installation of this TMS System according to the quotation on the Installation Date. You should complete the acceptance on the same day after 3drens finishes the installation. If you have not completed the acceptance within 14 calendar days from the Installation Date, it will be deemed accepted. If you use this TMS System directly without acceptance, it will also be deemed accepted.

/* 第5條 */ 智慧財產權與所有權  Intellectual Property Rights and Ownership

You clearly acknowledge that 3drens owns the intellectual property rights and authorship of this TMS System and has the right to grant you the use of this TMS System. Except for the scope of the Commercial License, it does not constitute any other rights authorization, transfer, or guarantee.

The intellectual property rights referred to in this Agreement include but are not limited to all patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or trade secrets related to this TMS System.

You may not remove any identification marks, copyright notices, permission restrictions, or engage in any actions that infringe upon 3drens' intellectual property rights or ownership.

/* 第6條 */ 授權內容與限制 Authorization Content and Restrictions

You acknowledge and agree that you may only use this TMS System within the scope of the Commercial License during the authorization period and within the area authorized and agreed by 3drens. Unless otherwise agreed, you may not directly or indirectly:

Lease, distribute, sell, resell, sublicense, rent, or otherwise transfer it to third parties;

Incorporate this TMS System into your products or services for uses outside this Agreement;

Use this TMS System for developing or researching competitive products or services;

Infringe upon this TMS System by modifying, interfering, using malicious programs, or implanting viruses in inappropriate ways;

Conduct reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling, reproducing, or otherwise attempting to analyze this TMS System, including but not limited to its code, functionality, architecture, or algorithms;

Modify, translate, adapt, or alter the object and its documentation;

Use it for timesharing purposes or otherwise serve the interests of any other person or entity;

Remove, bypass any rights statement, or attempt to destroy any protective mechanisms in this TMS System; or

Use it for illegal purposes including but not limited to infringing upon others' property rights, privacy rights, intellectual property rights; aiding others in committing crimes, violating criminal, administrative, or related laws (including but not limited to compliance with EU GDPR, Personal Data Protection regulations, etc.).

If you violate the aforementioned terms or if 3drens believes there is a risk affecting operations, 3drens has the right to suspend or terminate all or part of your permissions and refuse your use of all or part of this TMS System. For damages caused by your violations, you shall bear liability for damages (including but not limited to damages to third parties, fines, penalties, derivative costs, or attorney fees, etc.). If the improper actions are by employees or related personnel and are attributable to the corporate employer, the corporate employer shall bear joint liability for damages.

This TMS System, copies, and derivatives are limited to the specific equipment listed in the appendix or mutually agreed in writing by both parties. You may not reproduce, distribute, or use it for purposes outside of this Agreement. 3drens may impose restrictions, including but not limited to hardware and specifications. However, if the specific equipment listed in the appendix or mutually agreed in writing by both parties is inoperable, the subscriber may, with 3drens' written consent, use this TMS System, copies, and derivatives on backup equipment.

/* 第7條 */ 保證 Warranties

3drens guarantees that the authorized TMS System does not infringe on the copyrights or other rights of others. If a third party accuses you of copyright or other rights infringement due to your use of this TMS System, you must immediately notify 3drens in writing and provide relevant information. You also agree that 3drens may assist you in related settlement negotiations or provide necessary assistance.

If the TMS System is damaged or infringes on the copyrights or other rights of others due to your use of non-3drens supplied products or services, modifications to the TMS System, or other reasons attributable to you, you are solely responsible, and 3drens is exempt from warranty obligations, bearing no warranty or liability for damages. If this results in 3drens being accused of infringement by a third party, you shall bear full responsibility and compensate 3drens for any resulting damages.

When using this TMS System, you should exercise the duty of care of a good administrator to avoid damaging the TMS System or causing it to malfunction. If you fail to fulfill these obligations, resulting in damage to the data or the TMS System, you shall be liable for damages to 3drens. You are also aware that the synchronization and backup of the TMS System cloud database depend on internet transmission. If you add or modify information while not connected to the internet, the cloud database cannot synchronize or back up the data, and you are responsible for safeguarding the data to avoid accidental deletion, with no liability to 3drens.

Unless otherwise agreed in this Agreement, you are aware that you should always properly back up data. 3drens will delete all data stored in the cloud database 30 days after the termination or dissolution of this Agreement, without any warranty liability.

You acknowledge and guarantee that the information you provide or fill in is true, legal, valid, and complete (including but not limited to compliance with EU GDPR, personal data protection regulations, etc.). If any violation causes damage to 3drens (including but not limited to third-party claims, administrative penalties, or criminal prosecution), you shall be liable for damages.

/* 第8條 */ 違約及終止 Breach and Termination

Both parties may terminate the service of this TMS System by mutual written consent (including email), but the rights and obligations arising before the termination of this Agreement shall still be fulfilled.

Unless otherwise agreed in this Agreement, if one party breaches this Agreement and is not attributable to the other party, the other party may set a reasonable period and notify the breaching party in writing (including email) to make corrections. If the breaching party fails to make corrections within the specified period, the other party may terminate this Agreement in writing (including email). If the breach causes damage to the other party, the other party may claim damages from the breaching party, including but not limited to third-party claims, damages, attorney fees, litigation, and additional expenses.

If one party files for or is filed for bankruptcy, dissolution, reorganization, cessation of business, inability to provide services, or other credit-affecting events, the other party may immediately notify in writing (including email) to terminate this Agreement.

Upon termination of this Agreement, you agree that 3drens may continue to use your relevant information stored in the 3drens database arising from this Agreement. The scope of use is limited to optimization, improvement of the TMS System, or related data analysis, research, and development of 3drens services.

Unless otherwise agreed in this Agreement, if one party intends to terminate this Agreement before the expiration of its term, it shall notify the other party one month in advance. If you wish to terminate early and fail to notify 3drens one month in advance, 3drens may retain the authorization fee for the TMS System as punitive liquidated damages.

/* 第9條 */ 責任限制、免責條款 Limitation of Liability and Disclaimer

You clearly acknowledge that to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, this TMS System is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis, without any express or implied warranties or guarantees, including but not limited to any accuracy, security, reliability, market value, user satisfaction, or suitability for a particular purpose. 3drens assumes no liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use this TMS System (including but not limited to consumer disputes, operational losses, labor disputes, loss of goodwill, etc.), and you assume the risk of using this TMS System.

You clearly acknowledge that 3drens does not assume any (joint or several) liability for any disputes or damages arising from the following circumstances:

Failure to follow operating standards or usage instructions;

Negligence, forgery, fraud, unauthorized modifications or connections to third-party products or services, breach of this Agreement, user-attributable reasons, or other improper use by the user;

External factors such as traffic conditions, network signals, GPS positioning, power issues, system incompatibility, or system version mismatches;

Human factors such as logistics personnel, drivers, or consumers;

Policy or legal changes, malicious software attacks, or other unforeseen factors;

Other factors that 3drens could not reasonably foresee under the circumstances at the time.

You clearly acknowledge and agree that the authorization of this TMS System provided by 3drens is only a single system service and is not related to all your operational activities (including but not limited to product services, delivery communications, customer service issues, etc.). 3drens does not assume any responsibility for this. However, if 3drens breaches this Agreement resulting in a damage compensation event, you also agree that the amount of damages borne by 3drens shall be limited to the fees collected during the service period of this Agreement and shall be the sole remedy.

If any of the above clauses or the terms of this clause are found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the validity, legality, and enforceability of any remaining provisions shall still be valid.

/* 第10條 */ 合約修改 Contract Modifications


3drens reserves the right to modify or amend the terms of this Agreement at any time. You will be notified of any changes to the terms of this Agreement at least one month in advance. The notification methods may include, but are not limited to, email, service webpage announcements, or other methods accessible to you. Please review the terms carefully to ensure that you are aware of and agree to be bound by the modified or amended terms of this Agreement.

/* 第11條 */ 不可抗力 Force Majeure


Neither party shall be liable for non-performance or delay in performance due to force majeure (including but not limited to natural disasters, events, wars, changes in applicable laws, etc.). However, the affected party must notify the other party in writing (including email) within five days of the occurrence of such event and provide relevant remedial measures to mitigate the damage to the other party. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by both parties during the occurrence of the force majeure event, both parties shall continue to perform this Agreement once the cause of the force majeure has ceased and this Agreement can be normally performed.

/* 第12條 */ 保密協定 Confidentiality Agreement

"Confidential Information" referred to in this Agreement means any data and information conceived, created, or developed directly or indirectly received, accessed, known, or produced during the term of this Agreement by either party, or marked with the word "Confidential" or other similar words, or declared as confidential, regardless of whether it is in written form.

Each party shall maintain the confidentiality of the other party's business secrets and other confidential information known or held by virtue of this Agreement and shall not disclose or reveal such information to any third party by any means. The duty of confidentiality shall survive the termination or dissolution of this Agreement. However, the following circumstances shall not be deemed as disclosure or revelation of confidential information:

Information legally obtained by the receiving party before signing this Agreement;

Information disclosed in accordance with legal requirements;

Information already known to the public;

Information disclosed to third parties by the disclosing party, and such third parties are not bound by confidentiality agreements;

Information disclosed to the receiving party by a third party who is not under a confidentiality obligation to the disclosing party;

Information independently developed by the receiving party.

If you violate this clause, 3drens may terminate this Agreement directly and claim compensation from you (including but not limited to loss of goodwill, attorney fees, litigation costs, etc.).

You agree that 3drens may obtain your relevant business and consumer information for the purpose of providing consumer browsing, statistical analysis, and providing suggestions to you, or producing industry reports without disclosing your confidential information. This includes but is not limited to addresses, photos, business hours, sales statistics, traffic analysis, consumer personal information, transaction records, and related detailed lists. You agree that such business and consumer information is not considered confidential information under this clause.

You agree that your business information (including but not limited to sales statistics, traffic analysis, transaction records, and related detailed lists) is not a trade secret, and 3drens may authorize third parties (including but not limited to administrative agencies, banks, advertising companies, or supply chain upstream and downstream manufacturers) to use or market various goods or services. However, 3drens should ensure that such third parties comply with the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement when using the information authorized by 3drens.

/* 第13條 */ 資訊共享 Information Sharing

For the purpose of member registration, contact, marketing, statistical analysis, personalized recommendations, or payments with third-party financial institutions, you shall share the consumer information you have obtained with 3drens. This includes but is not limited to the consumer's name, birthday, gender, age, address, contact information, email address, consumption amount and records, cookies, location and browsing records, or other similar attributes (hereinafter referred to as "Consumer Information"). Based on the aforementioned purposes and within the scope of consumer consent obtained under this clause, 3drens may legally use the Consumer Information you provide and offer services, including but not limited to sending newsletters or recommending content.

To enable 3drens to obtain relevant business and Consumer Information in accordance with the preceding paragraph, you shall ensure that you have fulfilled the relevant notification obligations to your consumers in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and relevant laws and have obtained legal authorization. Consumers must be informed of the purpose, category, utilization period, area, target, method, and other content of obtaining their Consumer Information, and their consent must be obtained.

You may only use the obtained Consumer Information strictly in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and other relevant laws within the necessary scope for performing this Agreement or related transactions, and within the scope of consumer consent obtained in accordance with the preceding paragraph. Except as necessary for disclosure to third parties within your business scope, it is strictly prohibited to disclose or provide Consumer Information to any third party or for other processing. When disclosing Consumer Information to third parties, you must also ensure that such third parties strictly comply with the obligations of this Agreement.

After the termination of this Agreement, you shall not require 3drens to provide the Consumer Information it manages, but individual consumers may request 3drens to delete, stop processing, or use such information.

/* 第14條 */ 完全合意 Entire Agreement


All matters related to this Agreement have been fully and exclusively agreed upon by both parties, replacing all prior representations, conditions, negotiations, agreements, express or implied agreements, and commitments between the parties. This Agreement may not be amended without a written document signed by the duly authorized representatives of both parties.

/* 第15條 */ 適用法律 Governing Law


Matters not covered in this Agreement shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan).

/* 第16條 */ 管轄法院 Jurisdiction


In the event of litigation arising from this Agreement, the Taipei District Court in Taiwan shall be the court of first instance.

/* 第17條 */ 其他 Miscellaneous

You agree that if you enter confidential information such as your personal account, password, security questions, security codes, and answers during transactions or service use, all subsequent transactions or service uses after a successful login shall be considered your actions and cannot be denied.

3drens will provide free training on the installation day of the TMS system. You may request an additional one-hour comprehensive training session outside of the installation day. If additional training sessions are required, additional charges will be quoted separately.

During the authorization period of this TMS system, the authorized unit for using the TMS system cannot be changed without mutual consent. If you request 3drens to assist in changing the authorized unit (for example, switching authorization from device A to device B), additional charges will be quoted separately.

All notices or consents shall be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt or by email. Except in cases where the other party receives the notice on a non-business day, the notice shall be deemed delivered on the next business day. If a party changes its contact information without notifying the other party, resulting in the notice being undeliverable, the notice shall be deemed delivered at the time of sending.



Contact details for 3drens:

Contact person: Customer service staff 

Email address:info@3drens.com 

更新日期Updated date:2024/10/01 v4.1